Initiation: 1982
Member Number: 1284
Born into Kappa Sigma house on 10th and Alder as a legacy, I entered U of O in 1981 and was initiated in Fall ’82. Served as Gamma Alpha GMC from 1983-84, graduated in 1985. Joined the GAEF board in the fall of 2021, currently serving as chairman of fundraising, and will soon become GAEF Treasurer. Professionally, I worked 18 years for Charles Schwab, first as a stockbroker and then later as a branch manager. I’ve lived with my Duck wife, Karey Maltzahn, and our two kids in Los Angeles for 30+ years. For the last 20 years I have been a stay-at-home Dad, active in my kids’ school as chair of the fundraising committee for 11 years now, raising about $1.4 million per annually. We proudly fly the UO flag every football weekend here in the heart of UCLA and USC fandom.